parapendio Do you dream of flying? Book your dream now! Our experienced drivers will guide you in everything! You will only have to open your eyes and fly !! Buy your FLIGHT! Your wings for over 20 years ONLY PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS We use the latest technologies at the highest innovation, our customers are 100% satisfied! Book your FLIGHT! Professional drivers at your service 100% SAFETY We use the latest technologies at the highest innovation, our customers are 100% satisfied! Book your FLIGHT!

Paragliding Sicily: Your wings for over 20 years

Look out onto a lookout ... looking through an airplane window ... closing your eyes before falling asleep ... have you ever dreamed of FLYING?

We are open all year!

Deposit for booking

€ 50

Paragliding Flight SILVER

without video
149 €

Paragliding flight Gold

including video
199 €

Our Prices

Paragliding Flight € 149 per person - Paragliding Flight + Video € 199 per person - Pickup / DropOff Shuttle Service € 30 extra pp.


Thanks to all of you!
For rewarding us!


Make happy
who's close to you!

make big dreams come true!

Our professional pilots, officers of the Aero Club of Italy, are selected among the best in Italy to allow you to realize this dream with them.